Classroom, school, and/or departmental innovative projects are made possible by the generosity of our many community partners and sponsors. Donors can contribute to the general grant fund by simply donating at our events or by simply making an investment in character by donating to our Grant Fund. We graciously accept donations of any amount throughout the year.
The Prattville-Autauga Character Coalition awards Character Education Grants to provide sustainable resources and community support which may not otherwise be available to the schools in Prattville and/or the Autauga County District School System to highlight and promote good character.
The Character Coalition is proud to partner with our K-12 schools in Prattville and/or Autauga County to offer Character Education Grants up to $1,500. These Character Education Grants are designed to promote, implement, enhance and/or expand character education, youth-development focused programs, and character building projects.
The number of awards and award amounts will be determined and prioritized by the Character Coalition board of directors and the Character Education Grants committee. The grant cycle will open September 30, 2024 and will close on November 8, 2024, with the funds being awarded in December 2024. If you are an employee of the Autauga County District School System, an employee of a school located and serving the children of Prattville and/or Autauga County, you are eligible to apply for a grant from the Prattville-Autauga Character Coalition.
Prattville-Autauga Character Coalition
131 North Court Street
Prattville, Alabama 36067
Prattville-Autuaga Character Coalition. All Rights Reserved.